Monthly Archives: June 2015

Essay by a teacher in a black high school

*This is a repost from the rants and raves section from the Mobile, Alabama craigslist.* The truth is usually a tough thing to accept, so I understand if this is flagged. It would be a cowardly thing to do, but … Continue reading

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How I Joined Teach for America—and Got Sued for $20 Million

Joshua Kaplowitz writes in 2003: Most of my veteran colleagues, 90 percent of them black, also seemed helpful, though a few showed flickers of disdain for us eager, young white teachers. By the time school opened, I was thrilled to … Continue reading

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Black Lives Matter!

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The black children fight the racist white power structure. In a school, the teachers are the jackbooted thugs enforcing white privilege. These teachers need more education, they’re clearly still to biased and racist. Black lives … Continue reading

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Jews Are More Against Immigration Than For It

Comments to Steve Sailer: * In the data, Jews are more against immigration than for it. 1. Jewish-Americans’ responses on immigration: 50% too high, 5% too low, 22% just right, 23% not sure. So we can’t say Jews are for … Continue reading

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Goyim Prank Jews With OpenBordersForIsrael Campaign

Every major Jewish organization supports immigration amnesty aka open borders for America. Yet these Jewish organizations support the opposite policies for Israel — keep out all illegal aliens and ship those that get through the nasty fence back to Africa. … Continue reading

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