Monthly Archives: June 2015

A Local Twist On The R. Jonathan Rosenblatt Scandal

Y. says: Here is a blog entry by Rabbi Marc Angel about Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt. Angel and Rosenblatt were scholars in residence this past Shavuot, yes, just over a week ago, just blocks apart, at YICC and Beth Jacob, respectively. … Continue reading

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These Stunning Photos of New Zealand’s Largest Gang Will Give You Sleepless Nights


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The Low-IQ Crim Look

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I also wouldn’t be too surprised if the genes controlling IQ also had some unrelated effects on facial structure (we read about people having an ‘intelligent face’ in old Victorian books all the time, and … Continue reading

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The US Tries To Impose Its Morality On FIFA

Comments to Steve Sailer: * On some level the US going after FIFA really is just a smaller-scale and less harmful version of invading Iraq or stirring up violence in the Ukraine. They’re trying to impose their values, like democracy … Continue reading

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High Speed Rail LA-SF

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I’ve always puzzled over the Cult’s fascination with the choo-choo. For as long as I’ve been alive it has been the dream of progressives everywhere in America to cover the nation is train lines. It’s … Continue reading

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