Monthly Archives: June 2015

‘Acceptance of diversity is in direct proportion to your distance from it.’

Chaim Amalek writes: “I saw this as a kid. The most liberal people were those who had little contact with diversity. Today they live in nearly all-white enclaves like the UWS of Manhattan.” Report: A new study from Linneuniversitet confirms … Continue reading

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‘Never Send A Goy To Do A Jew’s Job’

Taken to heart, this saying (according to a Google search just now, this phrase has never been published before) could save you millions of dollars. There are certain things that blacks are better at, that goyim are better at, that … Continue reading

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Diversity = White Genocide?

Ann Coulter wrote in 2007: “One may assume the new majority will not be such compassionate overlords as the white majority has been. If this sort of drastic change were legally imposed on any group other than white Americans, it … Continue reading

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New York’s Surge In Crime

Comments to Steve Sailer: * You know who I blame for the rise in homicides in New York City? I blame it on the Hasidic Jews with their sagging pants and the way they hold their guns sideways gangsta style. … Continue reading

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Black Vs White Smarts

Comments to Steve Sailer: * …the in-depth research done by Harvard’s admissions department in the 1970s, as summarized in Klitgaard’s “Choosing Elites.” Initially, Harvard figured there were black diamonds in the ghetto rough that they could find. But soon realized … Continue reading

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