Monthly Archives: June 2015

The North-South Divide With Two Parent Families Is More A Black/White Divide

NYT: “Mr. Wilcox and Mr. Zill also point out that two-parent families tend to be more common in states with predominantly white populations.”

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Jenna Jameson: Finished with my grocery list for my latest menu for Shabbat!

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Sac Bee: Michael James Hunter, theater instructor and mentor, dies at 66

It seems like most of the rabbis and teachers I have known who were particularly friendly with their students (such as Jules Zentner, my best friend during my 20s, or Rabbi Aron Tendler) were also having sex with their students. … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Bratton Explains Why There Are Limits to How Many Black Cops You Can Hire

Steve Sailer writes: From The Guardian, an article about a public official telling the truth: NYPD chief Bratton says hiring black officers is difficult: ‘So many have spent time in jail’ New York police commissioner says bringing more non-white officers … Continue reading

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Bad Students, Not Bad Schools

VDARE: One of those stories where you have to laugh to keep from crying. The Hispanic-dominated Los Angeles Unified School District Board has decided it is better to let failing students graduate with D grades rather than deny them a … Continue reading

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