Monthly Archives: June 2015

Jewish Genetics

Comments to Steve Sailer: * The Jewish Daily Forward has a new website. For some inexplicable (…) reason a “genetics” tab is prominently displayed on the front page. Jewish genetics? Why are Jews obsessed with their genes? We all know … Continue reading

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Jealous husband arrested after ‘having sex with his wife’s shih tzu Buster because she paid more attention to the dog than him’

REPORT: Jonathan Medley of Geneva, Alabama, was arrested after he allegedly had sex with his wife’s dog Medley, 39, felt that his wife paid more attention to her shih tzu Buster, a two-year-old male, than she did to him Because … Continue reading

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Black Women Worth Watching

Email to Steve Sailer: The attorney is Keila Ravelo, who worked at the big white shoe law firm Wilkie Farr in New York. She represented MasterCard in the massive litigation over credit card interchange fees. Ravelo is friends with Gary … Continue reading

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Why Do Christians Adopt African Babies?

* What prompts white clerical types – just about always Christian, not that there is anything wrong with being Christian – to travel to darkest Africa in search of very dark negro babies to adopt? The love of Christ? They … Continue reading

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The Big One Next Week?

Shirley MacLaine told a friend of a friend that the big earthquake is going to hit Los Angeles next week.

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