Monthly Archives: April 2015

Different Groups Have Different Interests

If you are appealing to a liberal audience, it makes sense to call your opponent an “Orthodox Jew.” Orthodox Jews are not know as liberal-friendly. It makes sense to me to identify your opponents identity, whether it is WASP, Jewish, … Continue reading

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Suzanne Sommers acted as best man at Barry Manilow’s gay wedding The Jewish crooner has reportedly married his longtime manager Gary Keif in a private ceremony. The catch? The pair managed to keep it under wraps for an entire year. People Magazine reports that the surprise wedding was attended by … Continue reading

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* We live in an age in which it is wonderful if a man wants to cut his dick off or take it up the tuches, but woe to him if he is a middle aged white man and dares … Continue reading

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When The US Military Let In The Below 85 IQ Crowd

Steve Sailer writes: The 1980 hostage rescue fiasco in Iran was during the 1976-1980 period when the military had accidentally (?) misnormed its AFQT score minimums and let in a lot of real dullards. Sen. Sam Nunn kept insisting to … Continue reading

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The Accidental Gawker

Gavin McInnes writes: Whenever I see liberals salivating over some black guy I’ve never heard of, my first instinct is always suspicion. Call it “Obama Trauma.” When they described Neil deGrasse Tyson like he was the second coming of Christ, … Continue reading

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