Monthly Archives: April 2015

Perhaps Something More Classy?

Shirley Temple and Gary Cooper in the 1934 movie Now and Forever. My rebbe says: Pro-tip: you need to get rid of that banner photo ASAP and the mentality behind it as well. >Spanking girls? Spanking girls so young Mohammed … Continue reading

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Why We Can’t Tell Jewish Jokes

Comments to Steve Sailer: * We can’t tell Jewish jokes because “It is funnier to punch up, as the old saying goes.” The large number of Christians in Indiana and Arkansas who had their religious freedom law overturned by Marc … Continue reading

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Monday Musings

* Luke: “How was your weekend?” Mexican Friend: “I went to a wedding.” Luke: “Did you have mariachi singers?” Mexican: “It was a white wedding.” Luke: “Boring! A bunch of cold aloof people, right?” * A friend says: “I saw … Continue reading

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Nazis, Jews & Group Conflict

The point of view underlying many of my blog posts is that different groups have different interests. These interests frequently clash, resulting in conflict and killing. For instance, Nazis wanted one type of Germany and this conflicted with what Jews … Continue reading

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Racists Getting Fired

Blog post: Finally! A way to battle all those nameless, faceless hatemongers of the Internet . . . Finally, people are having to face some real consequences for their hateful and harmful behavior. This is the moment of comeuppance, and … Continue reading

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