Daily Archives: March 15, 2015

Jewish DNA

Rabbi Philip Lefkowitz writes: Dear Rep. Jan Schakowsky, I take strong exception to your actions regarding the recent historic and enthusiastically received speech of Prime Minister Netanyahu before a joint meeting of Congress. I was hopeful that in the aftermath … Continue reading

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Husband Of New Israel Fund Director Supports Boycotts Against Israel

Ronn Torosian writes: Owning a PR firm, I know a tad about spin. The New Israel Fund (NIF) is facing an intense campaign which challenges their donors, and exposes their true intentions – and they are responding. This weekend, Rachel … Continue reading

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She Keeps Threatening To Leave

I took a walk on Shabbos with a distraught young black man in a tallis whose new live-in girlfriend had drained his bank account in a month from $5,000 to $2,000. “If I don’t keep giving her cash, she’ll leave … Continue reading

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James Q. Wilson on race and violent crime

Steve Sailer writes: With federal judge Edith Jones being denounced for saying that blacks and Hispanics commit more violent crimes on average, it’s worth digging up an obscure but important 2002 book chapter written by the late James Q. Wilson, … Continue reading

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Death To The Iran Nuke Deal

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