Daily Archives: March 10, 2015

Dr Farrukh Salem: ‘800 million Muslims out of 1.4 billion are illiterate’

Blog post: Fact to realize is, Muslims have been poor, illiterate, war mongering savages for 1,400 years because they are kept hostage by Islam – a medieval hate ideology perpetrated by a criminal and lunatic who suffered depressions, raped, murdered … Continue reading

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Frum 4 Frum

From the New York Craigslist dating section: * OK. I admit it. I am a married chasidishe jewish man in my 50’s desperate to have an affair/friendship/relationship with a nice frum lady. Chasidish, (sheitel, zigedekt, shpitzel, seams or not) Yeshivish, … Continue reading

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Israel Sterilizes Many Ethiopian Immigrants

Ehtiopians, including those who have imigrated to Israel, have an average IQ under 70. Forbes subhead reads: “Israel under fire for forced birth control programs for immigrant women.” Yet the programs were not aimed at all immigrants, just at low … Continue reading

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Social Nationalism

I’ve always thought national socialism was the most evil thing around. I ask Chaim Amalek, “Was Ataturk a national socialist? Amalek says: Was Teddy Roosevelt? Milton Friedman/Ayn Rand style free markets are terrible for white people. We need controlled borders, … Continue reading

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Just clean innocent Jewish fun, what’s the big deal?

Failed Messiah posts March 5: In Borough Park, Brooklyn, New York, Purim customs die hard. In fact, one old (and very limited) Purim custom, hanging Haman and his sons in effigy, has been revived there. But in this version, Haman … Continue reading

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