Daily Archives: March 3, 2015

It’s Time To Get Old Testament On Tinder

Last night, as a time saving move, I was clicking like on every Tinder profile 18-40 within 100 miles of me, when suddenly up popped a message that I would have to pay if I wanted to like more profiles. … Continue reading

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Jews & Free Speech

Comments to Fred Reed: * When Jews were on the rise and challenging wasp elite power, they needed all the free speech protections they could find. It was a time ethnic balance of power when wasps, Jews, Catholics, Irish, etc … Continue reading

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Holocaust As A Code Word

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Guilt-mongering is a serious business, Steve. Sometimes I think that, if you were a Mossad agent deliberately trying to draw anti-Semites to comment on your board to record their IP addresses, you’d be doing precisely … Continue reading

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