Daily Archives: March 2, 2015

Blacks Are Better At Giving Compliments

This black chick told me, “I like your yarmulke.” No white chick has said this to me. Chaim Amalek: “Perhaps this explains why African slaves were so popular with early white planters in the south. Not for the free labor … Continue reading

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IQ By Religion, Race, Intended College Major, Occupation, Etc

Some great posts: State IQ estimates (2013), all and whites only State IQ estimates (2013), Hispanics only State IQ estimates (2013), blacks only State IQ estimates (2009) State IQ estimates (2005) IQ estimates by intended college major (via SAT scores) … Continue reading

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What Do You Call White Traitors?

From the blog Just Not Said: Black people who do not show racial solidarity are sometimes called Uncle Toms. Black people deemed to be overly immersed in white culture are occasionally referred to as “Oreos.” (Just ask any college-educated black … Continue reading

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The WASP & Islam

Chaim Amalek writes: “These youngsters are traveling to Muslim lands to die in battle for Islam, and why? Because they have been promised 70 comely young virgins as compensation in the next world. Sooner or later, some Methodist or other … Continue reading

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Who Loves Israel More?

From comments to Steve Sailer: * I have fond memories of my time in Israel and even fonder memories of the Sabras who kept me safe and kept me company. They make great allies when our interests coincide. But American … Continue reading

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