Monthly Archives: March 2015

Steve Sailer: Will the War on Microaggressions Have Disparate Impact on Jews?

Steve Sailer writes: Kors and Silverglate are representative of a once powerful tradition of Jewish civil libertarianism that felt that it was good for the Jews that universal rules of freedom of expression applied to everybody. Jazz critic Nat Hentoff, … Continue reading

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Mao’s Ethics Teacher

* ‘Each country has its own national spirit just as each person has its own personality …. A country is an organic whole, just as the human body is an organic whole. It is not like a machine which can … Continue reading

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Torah Talk – Parasha Shemini ( Leviticus 9:1–11:47)

This is the final Torah Talk before Passover, which begins Friday night. Listen here. Here’s Chaim Amalek’s running commentary on the show: WHY are goyim so dumb? If a Jew tells a goy to suck off a rabid dog and … Continue reading

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What’s The Difference Between A Blogger And A Suicide Bomber?

The final act. Otherwise we both tend to be beta males aka disposable. (Chaim Amalek)

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Jews & Traffic Tickets

I got a traffic ticket Wednesday for turning right on Roxbury off Pico Blvd beside the Museum of Tolerance. I realized later there are two big posted signs saying you can’t turn right between 3pm and 7pm. Every Jew I … Continue reading

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