Monthly Archives: March 2015

Facebook Curbs Speech

Comments: * Diversity is always an excuse to conceal, bully, censor, punish, and suppress free expression. * “This is particularly challenging for issues such as hate speech. Hate speech has always been banned on Facebook, and in our new community … Continue reading

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Goy Rejected By All Jewish Summer Camps

REPORT: “The boy’s father feels he shouldn’t be rejected based on religion, and claims the 13-year-old boy just wants to be with his friends.” Chaim Amalek: “Sorry, dude, but that’s life. Jews have no right to send their kids to … Continue reading

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How can you be a Somali-loving Minnesotan WASP pastor and embrace Israel?

A Jewish friend writes: Did the world screw up in recognizing a Jewish homeland – Israel – in 1948, or was it wise to do so, creating a place for 6,000,000 Jews to be who otherwise might be causing all … Continue reading

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R. Eliyahu Fink Leaves Pacific Jewish Center

Rabbi Fink posts on FB: This coming week (Vayikra) will be my last week as the rabbi of Pacific Jewish Center | The Shul on the Beach. To send us off, the Shul is planning a community luncheon and we … Continue reading

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Posted in Humor | Comments Off on Hmmm