Facebook Curbs Speech


* Diversity is always an excuse to conceal, bully, censor, punish, and suppress free expression.

* “This is particularly challenging for issues such as hate speech. Hate speech has always been banned on Facebook, and in our new community standards, we explain our efforts to keep our community free from this kind of abusive language.” ”

So, I guess Facebook will require that all the absurd “hip hop” and “gangsta rap” songs depicting the killing of cops and Whites will be deleted from and disallowed. Not.

* “It’s a challenge to maintain one set of standards that meets the needs of a diverse global community.”

There you have it, ladies and gentlemen. Diversity is not something that comes naturally and is embraced by all people. Diversity is a challenge and a problem that must be endured and worked on if it is to succeed (and it never does).

* Latin and Asian women are regarded as more feminine than the western white woman. This is partly because cultural Marxist brainwashing makes white women largely unsuitable for long term companionship.

Remove the filth of Marxist tyranny and you can see why every woman wants to look as white as possible. African weave and horse hair wig production is almost a billion dollar industry.

* The perpetually offended are in charge of setting the subjective standards.

The ADL and the Southern ‘Anything But’ Poverty Law Center will be monitoring for compliance.

* Some of those doofs are actually unhappy whenever they are *NOT* busy pretending to be “offended”. Political Correctness has taken on the trappings of a religion, in which the basic assumptions are not subject to debate; they are therefore dogma. Dissidents are thus relegated to the socially-dead status once reserved for witches and heretics, and persecution of us makes the PC bastards feel good about themselves.

I could write a completely neutral piece about the post-WW2 Soviet naval shipbuilding program and someone would crawl out of the woodwork, accuse me of “warmongering” and have a little snit-fit about being “offended”. If I wrote about home vegetable-gardening, someone else would whine about “introduced species”. Making fishing tackle, home-brewing hard cider or performing auto repairs? Oh, no; those are “red-necky”. Investment advice? “Capitalist exploiter” who needs to pay “his fair share”, which is apparently everything I possess.

They don’t care about reality anymore; inconvenient truths have been termed “hate facts” by some of these puerile jack-wagons in their War On Noticing.

* Black Pride: Acceptable.
Hispanic Pride: Acceptable.
Gay Pride: Acceptable.
White Pride: Banned for hate speech.

We all know the game and who will be targeted and who won’t and for what reasons.

* I value open debate on important and controversial issues. Shouting racial epithets and telling racist jokes does not contribute to the conversation on race the United States and the West needs to have.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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