Monthly Archives: March 2015

Orthodox Union In-Fighting

A source says: “There was a huge fight that ended last year. Rabbi Steven Burg was supposed to be rising to a leadership role but was aligned with the losers and had to depart for the Museum of Tolerance. Rabbi … Continue reading

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America, Zionism & Mutual Respect

Steve Sailer writes: Perhaps the most important foreign policy difference between Israel’s two major political wings has been one of tone: the Israeli right expresses its reasons of state using language that American Jewish liberals find needlessly offensive, while the … Continue reading

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Israeli Politics

Steve Sailer writes: I don’t follow Israeli politics all that much and don’t strong opinions about it, but I do think that Netanyahu is close to the being the most formidable politician of his era, and closest to the template … Continue reading

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Jewish Hollywood Lacks Diversity

From the Los Angeles Times: Darnell Hunt… heads the Ralph J. Bunche Center for African American Studies and co-writes an annual report on Hollywood diversity. “Hollywood was created by a largely Jewish-dominated group who fled New York because of anti-Semitism. … Continue reading

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The Israeli Elections

All of my Jewish friends — with one exception — are happy that Bibi Netanyhau won. I ask the exception: “Do you have any emotional reaction to any particular result in the Israeli elections?” He replies: No. The split is … Continue reading

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