Monthly Archives: February 2015

Robert Stark Interviews Me About Narcissism

Topics include: How Luke was diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder(from Luke’s Bio) Maladaptive Daydreaming and the Fantasy World How Narcissists are dependent on constant attention or narcissistic supply How Narcissism affects Luke’s blogging and the topics he writes about How … Continue reading

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Principles vs Interests

Many people could benefit from an approach that prioritizes their interests over loyalty to abstract principles. Should not loyalty to your group be a principle? Extending this type of thinking to the West might well lead to more rights for … Continue reading

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Jewish Press Gloats That Anti-Jewish MP George Galloway Was Assaulted

Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is apparently a graduate in Journalism and Economics from The George Washington University and he writes for The Jewish Press: Galloway has been released from the hospital, but it is doubtful that the attacker was able to … Continue reading

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Liberation Rape

Steve Sailer writes: According to federal statistics for 2001-2003, there were 15,400 cases of black-on-white single perpetrator rape versus 900 cases of white-on-black rape: a 17 to 1 ratio… Black Panther Eldridge Cleaver summed up his racial motivations in the … Continue reading

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Why Does America Import Somalis?

Chaim Amalek: “Minnesota WASPS, that’s who! And you can’t blame the Jews for how Lutheran churches act to subvert White society. Luke, are any Chabad or other orthodox Jewish temples importing any Somalis or Sudanese these days?” Luke Ford: “No, … Continue reading

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