Monthly Archives: February 2015

Free IQ Test

I got 124. It takes ten minutes.

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American Thinker: French ‘Help Wanted’ ad specifies ‘if possible, not Jewish’

The following is making its rounds on Facebook: Many of my FB friends are appalled. Rick Moran writes: If Jews in France were not feeling welcome recently, they got another dose of reality when a graphics design company posted a … Continue reading

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Are There Jewish Interests?

I consider it as obvious as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west that different groups have different interests that frequently clash. For instance, it is in black and latino interests in the United States that … Continue reading

Posted in Asians, Blacks, Jews, Kevin MacDonald | Comments Off on Are There Jewish Interests?

The Jewish Stake in America’s Changing Demography: Reconsidering a Misguided Immigration Policy

Stephen Steinlight wrote in 2001: It is critically important to state at the outset that this is neither to wax nostalgic (a culturally inconceivable stance) nor — Heaven forbid — to find redeeming features in the evil, xenophobic, anti-Semitic, and … Continue reading

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Police, Prisons & The Color Of Crime

From the 2005 book, The Color of Crime: America’s changing racial and ethnic makeup has played a role in the rise in incarceration. The number of Hispanic and non-citizen prisoners is rising faster than the overall prison population. In 2003, … Continue reading

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