Monthly Archives: February 2015

Narcissists: Their Professions, Jobs, and Vocations

Sam Vaknin: Narcissists (about 1% of the population) are concentrated in certain professions, in teaching, clergy, show business, management, medicine, military, law enforcement, politics, sports… Narcissists are addicted to a drug called narcissistic supply. They seek attention, adulation, affirmation, applause, … Continue reading

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The Narcissist & God

Sam Vaknin: God is everything the narcissist ever wants to be — omnipotent, omniscent, omnipresent, admired, much discussed, and awe inspiring. God is the narcissist’s wet dream, his ultimate fantasy. The narcissist idealizes and devalues authority figures. What greater authority … Continue reading

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Trolls Go After The Weak

We all put out a force field. We all attract people into our life, even internet trolls, even rapists, even murderers. There’s rarely a murder or a rape, I suspect, where the victim did not do something stupid to put … Continue reading

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Mormon Mommy Blogs

Jane the Jewess* says: I look at these Mormon mommy blogs all day at work. What does that mean? I had to leave work early yesterday because it was starting to make me feel ill because I was obsessing so … Continue reading

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Is Every Woman Who Has Sex Outside Of A Relationship Nuts?

Female Friend: My friend A. is possibly the biggest pussy / wimp I have ever met in my life. He’d make a really fantastic dhimmi / Islamic convert. The dude couldn’t stand up for himself if his life depended on … Continue reading

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