Is Every Woman Who Has Sex Outside Of A Relationship Nuts?

Female Friend: My friend A. is possibly the biggest pussy / wimp I have ever met in my life. He’d make a really fantastic dhimmi / Islamic convert. The dude couldn’t stand up for himself if his life depended on it. It makes me want to vomit. Every time I look at him. I think it probably is mostly because of social conditioning. His masculinity is so suppressed.

Luke: About four months ago, I saw Network Spinal Analysis practicioner and I swear it has helped me discover my spine. It helped a major change in my blogging.

Friend: He’s not gay though. Is that a pseudoscience?

Luke: Perhaps, it felt real to me.

Friend: Never heard of it

Luke: I find it amazing, I get it every week. I feel like it helped me find my spine and to stop being such a pussy. It’s not chiropractic.

Friend: haha were you ever really a pussy though?

Luke: Yep, sad. I’ve usually been a wimp w woman, as a sex and love addict, pathetic. Needy

Friend: I’m not sure I believe in this whole idea of “love addiction”. I think wanting / needing to love / be loved is a normal part of the human condition.

Luke: Saying/doing anything to get laid

Friend: I don’t try to get laid.

Luke: Duh. Most women don’t unless they’re nuts

Friend: I used to. A lot of women do! Young ones! It’s encouraged! We’re told this is what we need to do to be healthy – to have sex like men. I’m not making this up. Maybe you’re out of touch with young people.

Luke: Healthy women don’t do this as much

Friend: I think most of them do when they’re younger. They are told it’s what they need to do to be normal. I’m sure most will get over it / grow out of it. But most will experiment with it – even healthy women. Every young woman I know has. I don’t think they’re all unhealthy. Most of them are well adjusted. This is just the way things are now. Or so we’re told.

Luke: Most Orthodox women stay virgins till mariage.

Friend: That’s the way it should be. If everyone is fucking everyone than men have no reason to get married. And it’s women who lose out in the long run. I wish someone would have told me that. I thought it was a bunch of hocus pocus. In reality the reasons are very pragmatic. I told this to my mother the other day. She said “I know”. Why the hell didnt she tell me that? When you are 17 you don’t know these things – and if you have no one telling you to restrain yourself ever, not even a little bit – it’s just insane. I’m angry.

Luke: You wouldn’t have listened to your mother if she told you, no teen listens to her parents.

Friend: Yes – but at least she could have said “I told you so.” No but really – if any woman who had sex outside of a loving relationship is crazy – that means nearly every single young woman is crazy. I’m trying to think if I know one person who hasn’t done that. Even my goody two shoes friends from Middle School have done it. It’s a thing for women in their younger 20s. I think most grow out of it – except the crazy ones. I met one girl once who said she only has sex with guys she’s in a relationship with. She said she she’s the only person she’s ever met who does that. She can’t have orgasms and she’s a Republican.

Women have one womb. Men can spray their sperm everywhere and produce multiple children at once.

I rarely wanted commitment. I knew I would want it at some point but that didn’t mean I couldn’t have sex and enjoy it. Worked out fine for me!

Luke: Yeah, but with all respect, you are as nuts as me. You would not wish your mental health on anyone. Nor I on anyone. If all of society had our sex lives, civilization would collapse.

Friend: I don’t understand women who aren’t like me. I just don’t get it at all. They need to stop acting desperate and looking for a husband. I swear, the less a woman cares about finding a husband the more men are drawn to her–the more they want to “wife her”! I did both–a good amount of no-commitment sex and I still contribute to civilization.

I think I’m at like 30 lovers–which is more than some and less than others. It feels like a good number. But, again, I still got married and procreated and my marriage is more likely to last because I was able to explore and figure out what i wanted/needed sexually and otherwise.

Luke: Yeah, but you have a 150 IQ plus, for people with an average or lower IQ, that number of lovers would likely be catastrophic. Think about a black/Mexican/Muslim/white trash woman having 20 lovers. How many kids and diseases would she likely have?

Friend: Yeah, that’s an interesting thought. So higher intelligence correlates with an ability to have more lovers without sacrificing the biological need to procreate.

Luke: It correlates with less disease, unwanted pregnancy, crime, social delinquency. A lot of people kill over sex, jealousy. I’m unaware of any positive correlation in any study for number of sexual partners, for men or women. It does not lead to family stability and happiness even though there will be exceptions but exceptions don’t disprove generalities.

When women have sex like men, it is a horror for them and for civilization, which depends upon channeling male sexuality and building up the family.

Friend: Why is it different for women?

Luke: Because women have babies and they’re programmed to want commitment to go along with the sex. It’s bad for women, in general, to be promiscuous. With every lover, a woman fades, while a man blooms.

There is a grand canyon of difference between one lover and two.
Suddenly a world of possibilities opens up that can haunt one for life.

How many men would you like to fuck your daughter before she marries? Seriously. You’d be fine if she chose 20 as opposing to marrying early and staying faithful? Would you want your daughter to taste your variety of sexual experiences?

Friend: I don’t want her to marry before 30. I would hope she has some sexual partners. Yes, I think I do want her taste my variety of sexual experiences–it’s given me confidence in a weird way. And it’s made me understand so much about people and how they work.

If everyone abided by this–if everyone was a virgin, men and women, when married, it would work. But it doesn’t work anymore. It’s lunacy to expect it.

Alex Trivunovic: Bear in mind that contraception is new. Evolution has taught women to worry about pregnancy at every encounter. That is why they are pickier than men. The consequences for them are serious and long-term. It’s unfair, but it’s the woman who bears the physical an emotional toll of pregnancy and childbirth. A man can be affected by having children, but never to the same extent in my opinion. That’s why i mentioned women being pickier, they don’t want to risk a cad knocking them up and then leaving.

Chaim Amalek: It all comes down to this: sperm is cheap, eggs are expensive. From this fact of life all else follows.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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