Monthly Archives: February 2015

Doctor Loses License For Fingering Patients G-Spot

His defense — in part — was that he was mourning the death of his mother-in-law! Romenesko. From The state will permanently revoke the medical license of Kurt Froehlich, a well-liked and respected Cincinnati physician, this week for repeated … Continue reading

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You Can Call Me Levi

In Orthodox life, I prefer to use my Hebrew name of “Levi Ben Avraham” (because when I use “Luke Ford” I then immediately have to explain I’m a convert to Judaism as “Luke Ford” is a particularly goyish name, and … Continue reading

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Did the Times have to remind the goyim that these “Russian” billionaires are mostly Yidden who worked so hard to make a living?

This is bad for the Jews: Mr. Zalmayev later acknowledged in a deposition that he had been paid $100,000 but had not disclosed that he was working at the behest of Mr. Vavilov when he approached groups including the American … Continue reading

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The Gaon (Genius)

Rabbi Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff asks if any Shabbos goyim became Nazis. Chaim Amalek: Do any Christian preachers countenance being called “the genius” as part of their title? The job of shabbos goy can be a pretty sweet gig, with tips. Better … Continue reading

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WSJ: A Time For Fewer, Better Friends

WSJ: “Starting in 30s, People Deliberately Narrow Social Circles; For One Trio, Tighter Bonds” Chaim Amalek: “For me, the most disturbing thing about this photo is how racially exclusionary it is. Why can’t the three best friends be white, black, … Continue reading

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