Monthly Archives: February 2015

The Path Ahead

Chaim Amalek: “When the Imam comes to talk to us and give us all the advantages of converting to Islam, there will be no left Jew or right Jew, just Believers who may remain and those others who will have … Continue reading

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So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed

The bullies can only ruin your life if you are weak. Once people realize you can’t be intimidated, they tend to leave you alone. I notice that most of the people in this story are women. In general, women are … Continue reading

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NYT: France is scrambling to remedy the inequities highlighted by the Charlie Hebdo attack…

I’m reading this New York Times article and I start choking at this: “France is scrambling to remedy the inequities highlighted by the Charlie Hebdo attack…” The Charlie Hebdo attack highlighted inequalities? I thought the Charlie Hebdo attack highlighted the … Continue reading

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Are there means for making the Jews happy and more useful in America?

Historian Albert S. Lindemann writes in Esau’s Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews: A decade before the Revolution, the Metz Society of Arts and Sciences had offered a prize for the best essay on the question, “Are … Continue reading

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Rabbi Abraham Cooper: A snapshot of France and her Jews at the crossroads

Abraham Cooper, Marvin Hier and company remind me of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. They’re all a bunch of race hustlers. Whenever anything shocking happens to their group, they run to the scene and show the flag. The differences between … Continue reading

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