Monthly Archives: February 2015

8 of the Worst Countries For Black People to Travel

REPORT: China A person of African descent traveling to China should not be surprised if they are repeatedly stared at or even swarmed by crowds of curious Chinese who will treat them as a spectacle by taking pictures, touching their … Continue reading

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The War On Japan

This Australian news report stresses that Japan must absorb lots of non-Japanese. Here is the description from 2005: “Japan’s population is shrinking faster than any other developed nation’s. Hostility towards immigrants is preventing it welcoming in the foreign workers who … Continue reading

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Lessons of the Holocaust

We often hear about the “lessons of the Holocaust.” What about lessons of other genocides? I put “lessons of the Holocaust” into Google and got 231,000 results. I put “lessons of the Nazis” into Google and got 15,600,000 results. I … Continue reading

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Does Asian Success Spring From Asian Values?

A documentary on the rise of Japan and South Korea concludes: “Asians themselves began to boast of Asian values. They proclaimed that their growing success was due to discipline and to hard work, their schools and strong authoritarian control.” Jews … Continue reading

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Fair Play For Barry

I’ve founded a Fair Play For Barry group to help this erlicher yid who only wanted to make sure that the ladies were following Jewish law before they immersed. Has anyone taken a second look at R. Freundel’s writings and … Continue reading

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