Monthly Archives: February 2015

Germany Rules Europe

We’ve fought and won all these world wars and we’re left with what Germany wanted all along — to rule Europe. Germans have a higher average IQ than other European nations. They work harder. They have more group pride and … Continue reading

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French Jewish groups Lead The Fight Against Free Speech And Criticism Of Islam

France has a whole bevy of Jewish groups fighting for hate speech laws. Wikipedia: In 2008, legendary French actress Brigitte Bardot was convicted for the fifth time for inciting hatred. The Movement Against Racism and for Friendship between Peoples (MRAP) … Continue reading

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What Hope For India?

From comments to Anatoly Karlin: * I think that many Westerners have the unfortunate tendency to overstate India’s potential. We mustn’t forget that the average IQ of India is only 82 and oftentimes the standard of living in India is … Continue reading

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Is Help On The Way?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Konrad Adenauer and his family would pray every night in Bavaria for the defeat of the Third Reich as the War raged. I’d do my part here, but is there a British or American Army(C.1945) … Continue reading

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White People Waste Their Money On College Degrees When They Could Get Fancy Rims

A lot of whites totally waste their money getting college degrees when instead they could get a suped-up car stereo with major woofers and fancy rims. When you stop at a light, as so many white people do, do their … Continue reading

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