Monthly Archives: February 2015

What About Jewish Privilege?

If there is white privilege, what is Jewish privilege? Is it a bad thing? If it is bad that whites are more affluent, educated and powerful than non-whites, how horrible is it that Jews are so much more affluent, educated … Continue reading

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Don’t Get Sick In Low IQ Countries

This obvious link between IQ and health outcomes does not get mentioned in the Washington Post story: The island nation of Madagascar and the landlocked Himalayan nation of Bhutan might seem like charming tourist attractions. Travelers might want to think … Continue reading

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More Muslims Please!

A friend says: But guys, the important thing here to note is that the moderate Muslims encircled Norway’s synagogue to protect it, so let’s just post that story to Facebook, and let’s keep mass Muslim immigration coming to the West! … Continue reading

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Those High IQ Indonesians

The average IQ of Indonesians is 87, the same as Mexicans. REPORT: The hashtag “KoinuntukAustralia” (coins for Australia) is a reaction to Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s suggestion that Indonesia should reciprocate for the $A1 billion in aid Australia sent after … Continue reading

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Group Threats

Different groups have different gifts and different interests. The gifts and interests of one group often pose threats to other groups. As a convert to Judaism, I think many Jews are wonderful, but are Jews only a force for good … Continue reading

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