Monthly Archives: January 2015

Dallas Wins 24-20!

I was sweating bullets, calling out to the heavens, and in great turmoil throughout this game. Chaim Amalek: “Let’s organize our bachurim into mitzvah leagues, where the victor is whoever does the most learning and obeys the most stringencies in … Continue reading

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Souring On Orthodox Judaism

This hot Jewish chick I know is souring on Orthodox Judaism: “I don’t think God gave me these looks and this brain so I could put a scarf on my head and retreat from the world.” A male friend interrogates … Continue reading

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Gentrification is a euphemism for ‘becoming more white’

Report: The descent of Ferguson into chaos, the bankruptcy of Detroit, and the arrest of yet another black mayor on corruption charges might lead one to question whether or not civilization in America can be salvaged. One commenter threw out … Continue reading

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Would You Want To Trust Your NFL Franchise To A Black Quarterback?

Quarterbacks tend to be the most highly paid position in the NFL because the play of your starting quarterback, more than anything else, will usually determine how well your team does. NFL contracts typically run for many years so a … Continue reading

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Jews Must Live

In Genesis 47:29-30, this past week’s Torah portion and the final Torah portion from the Book of Genesis: “When Jacob’s death drew near, he called his son Joseph and asked him to put his hand under Jacob’s thigh and swear … Continue reading

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