Monthly Archives: January 2015

Is Israel’s Legitimacy At Stake If It Kills One Innocent Palestinian?

I notice that in all the coverage of police killings of unarmed black men in America, nobody ever says the country’s legitimacy as a nation is at stake. But just imagine if Israel did the same thing to a couple … Continue reading

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Jewish Migration Patterns

Steve Sailer writes: It was only when I got back from college in 1980 did I notice any Israelis in the SFV. The Israeli Influx I first noticed while playing 3 on 3 basketball at Valley College. There was a … Continue reading

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Showering Daily Is Apparently A White Thing

Report: After moderator Nicolle Wallace defended the fact that she showers three times a day (pre- and post-show, plus once before bed), the Fox beauty chimed in with a headline-making hypothesis. “I think that white people shower a lot more … Continue reading

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Sweden’s Most Wanted

“The mugshots of all warrants for arrests by Interpol concerning Sweden“:

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NPR: U.Va. Reinstates Fraternity Accused In ‘Rolling Stone’ Rape Story

From comments to Steve Sailer: * I don’t think we can say for sure whether or not Ukrainian boys were ritually sacrificed so that their blood could be baked into Passover matza. New evidence still might be discovered. Anyway, the … Continue reading

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