Monthly Archives: December 2014

Does Every Convert To Islam Get His Own Yazidi Sex Slave?

I’m asking for a friend. Question: Can two sisters be taken together while taking slaves? Answer: “It is permissible to have two sisters, a female slave and her aunt [her father’s sister], or a female slave and her aunt [from … Continue reading

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The Benefits Of Mexican Immigration

From comments to Steve Sailer: * A native Texan’s observations: All the things Steve’s pointed out over the years about Mexicans using public parks and green spaces are absolutely right-on. One thing I noticed in recent years is that the … Continue reading

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The Date Rape Epidemic

From comments to Steve Sailer: * Then there was that roofie incident with the guy ending up becoming a slave for 12 years. * My experience with alcohol indicates that (1) heavy intoxication can cause you to fall asleep in … Continue reading

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Economist Jonathan Gruber’s Contempt For Americans

From Wikipedia: Gruber was born on September 30, 1965, son of Martin Jay Gruber and Ellie Gruber. His father, Martin, is Professor Emeritus of Finance at the New York University Stern School of Business, having been a professor there for … Continue reading

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Are Jews White?

Chris the Goy, who has ambivalent feelings about Jews, says: I do think Ashkenazi Jews are white and European for the most part as they are at best of mixed ancestry, with a lot of Germanic and Slavic ancestry, but … Continue reading

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