Monthly Archives: December 2014

WEHT To Australia?

From comments to Steve Sailer: * Australia is even further along the path to PC, Cultural Marxist insanity than the US, according to what I have been seeing for some time. They have more anti-speech and anti-white laws than the … Continue reading

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Fair Play For North Korea

Chaim Amalek: HANDS OFF NORTH KOREA! Already our efforts are paying off, as Jewish-run Hollywood has, through its movie theaters, decided not to show “The Interview.” The danger is that White Americans might look on and think “If the North … Continue reading

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Daily Caller: Student sought man on Craigslist to beat her up and have sex with her, then reported it as rape

My friend Joel posts on my FB page: Curious Luke, since you posted this… This woman appears to be a fraud and a bit crazy. But why do you post? We know a LOT of crazy people out there who … Continue reading

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Jewish Groups Fight For Rape Awareness

Ron Kampeas has a long article for JTA on how Jewish groups are taking the lead in fighting rape on campus. That the Rolling Stone article in question was bogus and that the MSM swallowed it whole for two weeks … Continue reading

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How Do You Release The Jaw?

Some tips from a FB thread of Alexander Technique teachers: * I’ve heard things like free, releasing away from the skull, down and away… * The head’s going forward and up is preventive of it’s going back and down to … Continue reading

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