WEHT To Australia?

From comments to Steve Sailer:

* Australia is even further along the path to PC, Cultural Marxist insanity than the US, according to what I have been seeing for some time. They have more anti-speech and anti-white laws than the States, and this surprises me.

I thought I knew Aussies.

My late brother-in-law was an Australian pilot, decorated as a fighter ace in WWII. He shot down 15 Japanese aircraft. Do you know what set him off? He was flying near a hospital ship his girlfriend was on when he saw it get sunk by the Japanese. A hospital ship.

He once got shot down in a P-38. The control linkages in one of the tail booms were destroyed. He waited hours in the Pacific to get rescued. He knew there were sharks there, but thank God he never saw one.

That beloved Australian brother-in-law of mine was brash, funny, dirty-mouthed, and smart as hell. An aeronautical engineer and aircraft broker in SoCal, he introduced me to marvelous things. He let me fly copilot with him in vintage airplanes. Two planes he personally showed me under restoration are now in the Smithsonian.

He personified Australia for me. Brave, tough, and possessed of a seemingly endless supply of dirty jokes. The pussies I am hearing about in today’s Australia make me cringe. He would cringe too. Oh, and of course this amazing guy was a white man. Heaven forbid!

* Reading Amy Chua’s book, I am struck by how Whites are a global minority. As countries (at least Western ones) dissolve borders in a never ending quest for cheap labor, non-Whites sense that White guys in particular will soon be the minority. This is made worse by the explicit anti-White views of many if not most White women, and certainly the majority of single White women.

Australia is right next to massively bigger Indonesia. Sooner or later it will be annexed and filled with non-Whites who will treat White men in particular somewhere between a Jew in Weimar and a Tutsi in Rwanda in 1994.

The Sydney Cafe Massacre was all about: non-White Muslim dominance, and non-White Muslim dominance. Helped by the coalition of the MAJORITY. Aussie Whites are (for now) the majority population, but momentum matters. Non Whites know that they will soon be running things and have a nice heaping helping of their own Hutu Power ready and waiting.

* Rachael Jacobs and Tess Kum are kinda cute. They’re not all hard and dykey. I’m willing to let them slide. But it’s amusing how these recently arrived foreigners presume to lecture the natives on white racism. Rachael Jacobs born in Oz from Hindu immigrant parents and Tessa Kum? Chinese but not sure where she was born.

* There is a problem involving Muslims and harassment in Australia. It involves Muslim men, from places like Lebanon, raping and sexually abusing white Australian girls.

There is no harassment of Muslims by Australians. It is entirely an illusion created by the media.

There actually was a real backlash a few years ago – the Cronulla beach battle. Australian-Australians had finally had enough of invasive middle easterners raping young Australian girls, so they kicked some ass. It’s the kind of thing I desperately wish would happen here in England, to demonstrate to our invasive species that this behaviour won’t be tolerated, and to our vulnerable young girls that someone is looking out for them – but it hasn’t happened and I now fear it won’t.

* Here’s a genetic-culture one for you, Steve:
The Julia Baird bylined in the NYT story is the younger sister of Mike Baird, the current state premier (ie, state equivalent of federal prime minister in our Westminster system).
Mike is a relatively unsquishy conservative, but being a state leader, very pragmatic.
Julia is a classic liberal arts feminist on typical leftist career path through the local MSM Sydney Morning Herald (I worked with her there), then onto the government media ABC.
Their dad Bruce was a squishy Liberal who didn’t quite make it federally.
Sometimes a bit of sibling rivalry hangs tougher than alleles.

* Jews are not nearly as prominent in Australia as the US -but they’re still pretty prominent given their numbers ( 0.4-0.5% of the population and many have British origins )
I see that this Muslim gunman here had particularly targeted with hate mail the family of a Jewish soldier killed in Afghanistan and I remember at the time being surprised that there was a Jewish Australian soldier especially in a combat zone -and a private at that ! ( he was a part timer who did special forces stuff the way others do ironman triathlons )

* “I’ve also fantasized about giving “minutes long hugs” to some Persian gals, but I don’t write about it on Facebook.

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see Amazon.com). My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (Alexander90210.com).
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