Monthly Archives: November 2014

What Does It Mean When The NYT Says A Woman Is ‘Extremely Close’ To President Obama?

I’m reading a New York Times article about David Krone, Harry Reid’s top aide, and I see this: “Mr. Krone’s wife, Alyssa Mastromonaco, a former West Wing staff member who is extremely close to the president…” What does it mean … Continue reading

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Lessons From #ShirtStorm

The goyishe men watch sports as their country is stolen from under them. If only my tribe wasn’t going to pay a terrible price for stealing it, I could watch and laugh. Essay: So a team of scientists landed a … Continue reading

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Friends of the IDF

A few months ago, a secular Jewish friend went to a Friends of the IDF banquet and was given a green cloth yarmulke with “FIDF” on it. My friend doesn’t wear a yarmulke so he gave it to me. I … Continue reading

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Why Not An American Ban On Illegal Workers?

Israel shows us the way once again on how to create a cohesive united country. Israel is the Jewish state and it conducts its affairs to benefit Jews. America should be an American state, conducting its affairs to benefit its … Continue reading

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Rabbinic Perspective On Dealing With Terrorism

Marc B. Shapiro writes: While I have enormous admiration for R. Bleich’s erudition, not all of his conclusions are widely shared. For example, in a 9/11-type scenario R. Bleich argues that it is forbidden to shoot down an airplane which … Continue reading

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