Monthly Archives: November 2014

I Hope I’m Wrong About This Hateful Stereotype

A few years ago, I watched Philadelphia Eagle receiver DeSean Jackson catch a long pass against the Dallas Cowboys on Monday Night Football and run to the end zone unmolested but short of the goal line, he tossed the ball … Continue reading

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Union of Jewish Students of France Pushes Hate Speech Laws

I hate to see Jews at the forefront of restrictions on free speech. The Forward reports Oct. 24, 2014: A little over a year after a French court forced Twitter to remove some anti-Semitic content, experts say the ruling has … Continue reading

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Who Runs The Internet?

I found this list online of Jews running internet companies. I don’t care that the list comes from an anti-Jewish site, I am only interested in what is true. I don’t think Jews need to hide Jewish successes. Google, Facebook … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Semitism, Facebook, Google, Islam, Jews, Steve Sailer | Comments Off on Who Runs The Internet?

F. Roger Devlin Critiques Wendy Shalit’s Books

Roger Devlin writes: Shalit is, of course, emphatic on a man’s lack of all sexual rights before the wedding. Referring to a girl whose boyfriend began “pressuring” her for sex after eight months of courtship, her assessment is: “If he’s … Continue reading

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Goldwin Smith On The Jewish Question

Goldwin Smith was a 19th Century professor of English as such places as Cornell. In 1892, he published an essay on The Jewish Question: Jewish ascendancy and the anti-Semitic movement provoked by it form an important feature of the European … Continue reading

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