Monthly Archives: November 2014

Jews Return To The Torah Corral

J.J. Goldberg writes: “The modern Jewish civilization that produced Freud and Einstein, Roth and Bellow, Dear Abby and Hannah Arendt, Sarah Bernhardt, Estee Lauder, Golda Meir and the Marx Brothers could turn out to be nothing more than a blip … Continue reading

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If Israel Wants To Be The Jewish State, Then All Jews Anywhere Become Targets

When Israel is at war, synagogues around the world as well as individual Jews have to take greater precautions and hire more security guards. Why? Because if Israel wants to identify as the Jewish state, all Jews become targets of … Continue reading

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CA Nursing Homes Exposed By The Sacramento Bee

Shlomo Rechnitz is revered in Los Angeles Jewish circles for his bountiful charity. I heard him talked about on KPCC’s Take Two show today. The Sacramento Bee reporter described his degree in Talmud and his many businesses but emphasized that … Continue reading

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Jews, Gypsies And The Chinese

Kevin MacDonald writes in his review of Yuri Slezkine‘s book The Jewish Century: Slezkine imagines that the Gypsies and literate middleman groups like the Jews or Overseas Chinese differ not in intelligence but only in whether they express their intelligence … Continue reading

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Why Non-Jews Get Tired Of Being Hit Over The Head By The Holocaust

The Lubavitcher Rebbe did not want the Holocaust emphasized. He preferred to promote a positive Jewish identity that did not diminish whites and other groups. When the Holocaust is invoked in the West, it is usually to promote anti-white interests … Continue reading

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