Monthly Archives: October 2014

How To Use Twitter

DCThrowback writes to Steve Sailer: 1.) Utilize the mute button for people whom you follow but who do not tweet much of value. They’ll never know they’ve been muted. 2.) Using other people’s lists enables you to be able to … Continue reading

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Are R. Barry Freundel’s Orthodox Conversions Still Valid?

I ask historian Marc B. Shapiro: “What do you think of the RCA coming out with a quick statement that all of R. Freundel’s conversions are valid? I suspect haredim now have even more reason to dismiss all MO conversions.” … Continue reading

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The Rabbi’s Chapter Seven Bankruptcy Filing As A Literary Genre

A week ago, I posted about the $7.25 million fraud judgment against Antony Gordon (attorney, hedge fund king, motivational speaker, Orthodox rabbi) and his Chapter Seven bankruptcy. I’ve never had any money and given my WASP background, I’ve never been … Continue reading

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Because Portland Is White

This Washington Post articles fails to mention that Portland has the highest percentage of white people of any American city. That’s the only way it can sustain all these cool quirky collaborative ventures. Imagine public vegetable gardens in the downtown … Continue reading

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Who Are The Victims Of Domestic Violence?

From the blog Just Not Said: Glen Filthie said: A cop friend summed up domestic abuse beautifully, as far as I am concerned. He says, and I quote almost verbatim – that domestic violence is almost always a case of … Continue reading

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