Monthly Archives: October 2014

When Do Children Rebel?

Blog: My theory: a child will adopt a parents’ tastes and values and outlook in inverse correlation with the narcissism of that parent. If a parent is a blowhard — of high or low IQ — who can never admit … Continue reading

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Why Do Men & Women Lie?

Alison Armstrong tells Dennis Prager: “We’re born liars. “There are three main instincts that humans share with all other critters and there’s an order: Procreate, protect, provide.” “We’ll do dangerous things to procreate that we would not do to protect … Continue reading

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Jews, Mel & War

IN 2006, according to a police report, Hollywood star Mel Gibson asked the arresting officer if he was Jewish and then said: “F**king Jews. The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.” When you really truly hate … Continue reading

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Did The Nazis Believe Jews Were Inferior?

I find it a chore to listen to Dennis Prager these days. Not because Dennis has changed, but I have changed. On his radio show today, Dennis Prager struggled to define “racism”: “You believe that race has intrinsic qualities, usually … Continue reading

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What Happened To WASPs?

Blog: A nice Jewish lady once told me, when I was at a Club Med, “You probably think of yourself as a man first, then maybe after that as your occupation, then after that as your ethnicity. What you don’t … Continue reading

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