Monthly Archives: October 2014

Rabbi Antony Gordon In Federal Court

This looks like it has led to Antony Gordon’s Chapter Seven bankruptcy, which is a straight liquidation. This (2:13-ap-01536-DS 1568931 Ontario Ltd., an Ontario (Canada Corporati v. Gordon et al) looks like a Rabbi Chanan (Antony) Gordon bankruptcy (an attorney, … Continue reading

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Who Was The Greatest Hasidic Rebbe Ever?

In his talk “Sukkot of Glory”, Modern Orthodox Rabbi Ari Kahn says: “The Kotsker Rebbe said I do not want followers who are big tzaddikim (righteous ones). He was the greatest Hasidic rebbe ever. He shut himself up in a … Continue reading

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Over-Seriousness Kills Self Differentiation

Therapist Jerry Wise: “Over-seriousness is a reactive state…when we become immature, naive…when we enmesh through seriousness and intensity. This lessens our self-differentiation and clouds our self-awareness.” “So often, people are talking and someone becomes very serious… If we are the … Continue reading

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How Did You Die In Your Past Life?

I took the quiz and got this result: “Hundreds of millions of people died during World War II, but your death was quite special. You died while freeing a Nazi concentration camp and saving the lives of dozens of kids. … Continue reading

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The Rebbe On Journalism

From Joseph Telushkin’s biography, Rebbe: The Life and Teachings of Menachem M. Schneerson, the Most Influential Rabbi in Modern History: In 1972, the veteran journalist Gershon Jacobson was considering starting a new Yiddish newspaper (Der Tog Morgen Zhurnal had recently … Continue reading

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