Daily Archives: September 7, 2014

The Decline Of The Generations

My sense is that a generation ago, 90% of traditional religious types from birth (whether they were Catholics, Orthodox Jews, Seventh-Day Adventists) were virgins on their wedding night while now the number is about 60%. A generation ago, 98% of … Continue reading

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What Gives You The Greatest Pleasure?

I never cease to be amazed at how intrusive and clueless people can be (starting with myself). In an Orthodox shul, there are sections for men and women and yet many people ignore this, particularly the insane. If you don’t … Continue reading

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Conspiracy Theories

I was asked in shul on Shabbos if I believe in conspiracy theories, such as the Illumanati, Free Masons, etc, control the world? Do I believe in lizard people who live far beneath the earth? I don’t believe in those … Continue reading

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‘Welcome To The Dark-Skinned Ones’

One Sabbath, I joined a Sephardic kiddush (snacks). One Sephardi looked at me, smiled, and said, “Welcome to the dark-skinned ones.” The average Ashkenazi IQ is around 112 while the average Sephardi IQ is about 95, lower than the white … Continue reading

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