Monthly Archives: September 2014

Keeping Your Yard Clean

Who’s more likely to keep their yard clean in a middle-class American neighborhood (and to be considerate of others as far as noise, honking, screaming, etc)? * Hasidic Jews * Reform Jews * German Jews * Israelis * Persians * … Continue reading

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America’s Leaders Aren’t Protecting Americans

Our government puts our citizens at risk by allowing immigrants (illegal or legal) to be disbursed within the country without a thorough health screening. The first duty of government is to protect its citizens. Ilana Mercer writes: It’s all very … Continue reading

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Doing Business In China

Everyone I know who does business in China says the Chinese try to screw them at every turn (Israelis have a similar reputation but not as bad). You have to check and double check everything because the Chinese take pride … Continue reading

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What is Sensory Integration/Occupational Therapy?

Loren Shlaes writes: Occupational therapy assists people who for various reasons cannot meet their responsibilities and are not functioning at their highest potential. A child who is not succeeding in school and can’t meet the grownup’s expectations falls into this … Continue reading

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How To Deal With The Anxious Child

Loren Shlaes writes: The anxious child treats many everyday activities as if he is experiencing them for the first time. He can’t easily adapt to novelty, and he can’t internalize routine. Long after the beginning of the school year, he … Continue reading

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