Monthly Archives: September 2014

Muslims & Orthodox Judaism

Marc B. Shapiro: “As far as I know there are no significant relations between the Modern Orthodox and Muslims. The Muslim community in the United States has never been forthcoming as it should be in condemning Hamas, Hizballah, and their … Continue reading

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The Position Of Women In Modern Orthodoxy Is Not Changing

Essay: [Marc B.] Shapiro considers that while the position of women is discussed in some intellectual circles, their actual position in Modern Orthodoxy remains more or less the same as thirty or sixty years ago. “They function as mothers and … Continue reading

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How Race-Based IQ Handicapping Led To A Man’s Execution

Daily Caller: Hernandez’s IQ was low compared to “American norms,” when “scaled to Mexican norms” it should be adjusted upward. When assessed according to his “cultural group”, they argued, his results should be closer to 70, a level just outside … Continue reading

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