Monthly Archives: September 2014

The Joys Of Diversity

Upon learning that a guy spent his entire disability settlement check on cocaine and then got arrested for raping a girl in a park, do you suspect the guy is: * WASP * Jewish * Oriental * Mexican * Black … Continue reading

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Parenting From The Inside Out

I love this Daniel Siegel book. Here are excerpts that moved me: For those whose histories included a sense of emotional unavailability and a lack of attuned, nurturing parenting, there may have been an adaptation that minimizes the importance of … Continue reading

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How Bright Are Iranians?

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager said about Islam: “Look at the primitive society that is made of one of the most cultured and brightest nations in the world, the Iranians.” The average Iranian IQ is 84. By contrast, … Continue reading

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The Joke Is On Us

Steve Sailer writes in 2011: For example, how is Morones`s All-Star Game boycott going? Dave Biscobing of in Phoenix reported on June 15, 2011: “Last summer, calls for a boycott of the All-Star Game spread across the country in … Continue reading

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A Good Starting Place

Warren emails: Luke, I just can’t get enough of your empathy for white people and your desire to be their savior. And I’ve got the perfect place for you to start – the Appalachian region. Almost all of the people … Continue reading

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