Monthly Archives: September 2014

Japanese: ‘To All You Ugly Koreans, Please Get on the Train and Return to North Korea’

The Japanese like to keep the non-Japanese out. Report: On a Saturday in late July, several dozens of people gathered at a park near the Kawasaki municipal government building for a demonstration to protect Kawasaki against “anti-Japanese leftists, traitors and … Continue reading

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How They Do It In New York

A Jewish friend told me the other day: “I like how the left-wing anti-racist Columbia administration keeps expanding the campus north into Harlem, and using eminent domain to kick the black people out of the neighborhood. I think it’s funny. … Continue reading

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Is It OK For Women To Hit A Man?

In the TMZ video, I see Ray Rice’s fiance hitting him several times before he hit back. Ladies, don’t hit a guy if you don’t want to get hit back. Many women think they have a free shot to hit … Continue reading

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What’s The Difference Between White Nationalism & White Supremacy?

I used to try to make this distinction but I’ve given up. Every group, including blacks, Jews, and the Japanese, believes it is supreme, so who am I to begrudge goyim (white non-Jews) from believing they are supreme? I see … Continue reading

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Ray Donovan & The Varieties Of The Jewish Experience In LA

This TV show is the best dramatic representation of the Los Angeles I’ve experienced. It reminds me of the Jewish pornographers I’ve interviewed and the Italian and Irish tough guys I’ve met. It’s inspired by the career of fixer Anthony … Continue reading

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