Monthly Archives: September 2014

I Can’t Stop Smiling

About four months ago, I spent $600 for the Fisher Wallace stimulator. It helps you fall asleep and it also reduces anxiety and depression. I love it and I also use it on various aching body parts. It’s FDA-approved. Since … Continue reading

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My Fierce Turn

If my blog has had a change in the attitude over the past three weeks, it might have something to do with Network Spinal Analysis (NSA). I don’t know much about NSA, I’ve simply been receiving it about twice a … Continue reading

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The Differences Between Men And Women

Historian Martin Van Creveld (a Dutch Jew living in Israel) writes: First, when Steven Pinker and many others say that the characteristics of people of both sexes are in large part biologically-determined rather than socially-constructed they were right. Second, when … Continue reading

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Too Sexy For Her Job

If a hot young secretary dresses too provocatively for a law office and her cleavage reduces your productivity and her long legs distract you from the noble pursuit of justice, is it OK to ask her to dress more modestly … Continue reading

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Career Suicide By Jew

You’ve heard of suicide by cop? Somebody wants to kill himself so he provokes cops into shooting him. Now we have news out of Yale. This is called “career suicide by Jew” and smart goyim of white descent and high … Continue reading

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