Monthly Archives: September 2014

Seeking A Win-Win Solution

I often deal with people who are angry about things I’ve written. I notice that when I deal with somebody who has a high IQ, I often get a sense of empathy. He tries to understand where I am coming … Continue reading

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The End Of Racism

I’m enjoying these Steve Sailer book reviews on Dinesh D’Souza — The End of Racism : Principles for a Multiracial Society 4 out of 5 stars Excellent on the little questions, dubious on the big ones October 11, 1998 … Continue reading

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Nature Vs Nurture

I’m listening to a lecture on Social Neurobiology by UCLA pyschiatrist Daniel Siegel: “One way of describing shy kids is that they have more reactive right hemispheres. Jerome Kagan (of Harvard) found that depending on what the parents did, shaped … Continue reading

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Zero Tolerance For Women Too?

Espn: “Sixteen female U.S. senators have sent a letter to commissioner Roger Goodell calling for a “real zero-tolerance policy” against domestic violence in the NFL.” Does this zero tolerance apply to women as well? A far higher percentage of women, … Continue reading

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What Do ISIS And Many American Minorities Have In Common?

They hate America. When I think about the Americans who surged on to the street to celebrate the death of Osama Bin Laden, they were 99% white. Other groups, in general, don’t feel the same way about this country. And … Continue reading

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