Monthly Archives: August 2014

Washington Post: Michael Brown remembered as teen who was ‘going to shake the world’

Michael Brown was not going to change the world. He could barely graduate from high school. To change the world for the good, you need an IQ north of 120, something that few blacks have. Mohammed Ali was perhaps the … Continue reading

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Stop Racism Now!

I don’t think we should infer anything racial from the Suge Knight shootings at the Chris Brown party because when Esa-Pekka Salonen and Gustavo Dudamel run into each other, that always leads to gun fights too. Remember when all the … Continue reading

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The Terrible Beauty Of The Evil Man

The first time I was given a link to this memoir by Finis Leavell Beauchamp about his conversion to Orthodox Judaism from evangelical Christianity, and I saw the cover and the title, I wanted to keep the book at arm’s … Continue reading

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What Happens When You Ordain Women?

A friend writes: “Yesterday we visited a SDA church where boys and girls and men and women led in equally effective and comfortable ways. I was ashamed as I simultaneously watched this and thought about the thousands of pages and … Continue reading

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When Jews Discriminate Against Non-Jews

We all know what “anti-semitism” means, but what is the term for when Jews discriminate against non-Jews? Or when religious Jews move into a neighborhood and non-religious Jews and non-Jews feel slighted or dismissed or marginalized? For instance, 90035 has … Continue reading

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