Monthly Archives: August 2014

Is It Anti-Semitic To Say Jews Are Good With Money?

I have never experienced anti-Semitism and I have never been offended. I rarely use the term “anti-Semitism.” I’m not into classifying criticism or even hate as a “slur.” I think it is natural, healthy and good to prefer your own … Continue reading

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Orthodox Jew Reps USC’s Josh Shaw

Don Etra is a friend of George W. Bush, a famed defense attorney and a mensch. A black guy in trouble should always run to a smart Jew like Etra if he can. It’s always worked for me. The New … Continue reading

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11 Uncomfortable Facts About How IQ Affects Your Life

Report: * IQ is strongly correlated to educational, professional, economic and social success or failure. * People in the 75 to 90 range are 88 times likelier to drop out of high school, seven times more likely to go to … Continue reading

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The Average Palestinian IQ Is The Same As The Average African-American IQ – 85

Report: “Let’s compare them to other Arab states. Egypt is 83. Lebanon is 86. Morocco is 85. Iraq is 87. Qatar is 78. That seems to be the Arab range: 78-87. I haven’t seen any Arab countries score in the … Continue reading

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TabletMag Boycotted The Sochi Olympics

I’m reading the archives of and was amused by an essay from The Editors fulminating against Russia for passing a law banning “propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations.” The Editors write: “No decent human being should stand for such blatant … Continue reading

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