Monthly Archives: August 2014

Are Values Independent Of Genetics?

Everywhere in the world in about 40 life outcomes, Orientals (North-East Asians such as the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans) earn more per hour than any other racial groups, have higher credit scores, higher academic achievement, higher IQ, and lower rates … Continue reading

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Alexander Technique For Dogs

From Craigslist: A calm, balanced dog is a happy dog! My goal is to bring calmness and balance to every dog I work with. Using clear signals (energy and body language) as well as hands-on work I will work with … Continue reading

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The Evolutionary Roots Of Morality

Philosopher Michael Levin writes: Cooperativeness (like intelligence) was probably more adaptive in the colder, harsher, Eurasian environment in which whites and Asians evolved than in sub-Saharan Africa. Food grows year-round in a warm climate. There is little danger of freezing … Continue reading

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Hamas Supporters In LA Brandish Swastikas

Why do many Hamas supporters call for genocide against the Jews while Jews rarely call for genocide against the Palestinians? Because the Palestinians understand that with peace and freedom, the Jews will excel them. Jews have no fear about the … Continue reading

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Will Los Angelenos Trust Government Again?

From Los Angeles Magazine: “Garcetti believes that such criticisms miss the whole point of what he is doing. Far from playing “small ball,” as his critics assert, he believes he is engaged in the most wide-ranging and important of all … Continue reading

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