Monthly Archives: August 2014

The United States Has No Vital National Security Interests In The Middle East Aside From Preserving Access To Its Oil

Whatever Israel, Hamas, Gaza, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Jordan etc do to each other has no vital implications for the United States. By contrast, what goes on in Mexico and Central America does have vital national security interests for the … Continue reading

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Can Comedy Be Kosher?

I just read a provocative article on Orthodox Jews in comedy in Tablet Magazine. According to the author’s self-description: “Josh Lambert (@joshnlambert), a Tablet Magazine contributing editor and comedy columnist, is the academic director of the Yiddish Book Center, Visiting … Continue reading

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Jewish Guilt vs White Guilt

As Steve Sailer points out, white guilt means you are too ethnocentric while Jewish guilt means you are not ethnocentric enough. Journalist Samuel G. Freedman writes for Tabletmag about how wonderful it was that Arthur Gelb was a proud ethnocentric … Continue reading

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Everybody Views The World In Ways That Make Their Group Is Best

Here is a complicated article by academic Richard Landes about a topic explained much more simply by Tom Wolfe in 2006. I particularly love this excerpt from Landes: As one NPR commentator noted (during the intifada!), “Any Palestinian with a … Continue reading

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Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Profiled In Tablet Mag

Great article: [Shmuley’s dad Yoav] Botach’s manner with his son was impatient, dismissive. “You don’t need to be on the phone now,” he chastised Boteach at one point, in Hebrew. “OK, Abba, OK,” Boteach replied. I asked Yoav if he … Continue reading

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