Monthly Archives: August 2014

Friday Night Lights

I’m reading the H.G. Bissinger book (I loved the movie and the TV series). From page 27: “The first murder in Odessa occurred late in the nineteenth century when a cowboy rode into a water-drilling camp one afternoon and demanded … Continue reading

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Silicon Valley

I just watched the PBS American Experience documentary “Silicon Valley.” All of the main characters are white and most everyone pictured in the movie is white. It makes me nostalgic for the California I once knew. When I arrived in … Continue reading

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Gay Bashing

Stacia Friedman emails me: I am a Philadelphia-based journalist and university journalism instructor who previously lived and worked in the film industry in Los Angeles. I came across one of your blog posts about Hollywood’s “Gay Mafia.” Having worked in … Continue reading

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Slate: Male Basketball Coach Says a Female Coach Could Never “Mold Boys Into Successful Men”

Slate’s Amanda Hess is upset by this point that boys need male role models to turn into men. Girls naturally turn into women, but boys need male mentors. As one coach said: “A big part of being a college coach … Continue reading

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Does It Lack Intelligence To Say That Blacks Invest Less In Their Children Than Whites?

David Weigel writes for Slate about comments by a Republican for Congress (Mark Walker) that blacks invest less in their children: “Now: Is this offensive? My colleague Boer Deng points out that “Amy Chua makes a similar argument in the … Continue reading

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