Monthly Archives: August 2014

What War On Whites?

Black lefty columnist Eugene Robinson writes for the WP: If there really were a “war on whites,” as a Republican congressman from Alabama ludicrously claims, it wouldn’t be going very well for the anti-white side. In 2012, the last year … Continue reading

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Very Ambitious

So a 44yo Latina with a high school education wants to meet me, according to POF. She works in a warehouse and describes herself as “very ambitious.” * So even Orthodox Jews are becoming PC. I was talking in shul … Continue reading

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Converting To Judaism To Raise Your Social Status

“Orthodox Jew” is a prestigious status and the convert gets to claim it upon passing through the process (which is usually less work than getting an AA degree). I notice among many converts (including myself) and would-be converts to Judaism … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Hosts Another Anti-Israel Rally

Steve Goldberg emails: Dear Friends of Israel: Today, August 10. there will be yet another anti-Israel, pro-Hamas demonstration in Los Angeles. It is scheduled for 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM in front of the Federal Building on the corner of … Continue reading

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Yeshivas For Goyim!

I’m starting yeshivas for goyim and Bais Yaakovs for shiksas to encourage them to marry their own kind early and to have lots of kids and to propagate their heritage. Yes we can! Chaim Amalek: “The key question: can the … Continue reading

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