Monthly Archives: August 2014

My Judaism

I could happily go the rest of my life without listening to another Jew yammer on about “my Judaism.” If a Jew does not want to practice Judaism, fine, just don’t go talking about “my Judaism” if you are going … Continue reading

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Why Is Los Angeles Falling Apart?

Every day, Los Angeles seems more like Mexico. Every day, Los Angeles seems more like a second-world city, with large parts of it resembling the third world. Los Angeles used to be (as late as 1960) the most Anglo-Saxon big … Continue reading

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World’s Friendliest Cities Are White

According to this article, “Australia and New Zealand are home to world’s friendliest cities – while South Africa’s Johannesburg is the unfriendliest”. No majority black city is named as particularly friendly. Instead they are described as dangerous.

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Masters Of Sex TV Show

In tonight’s edition, season two, episode six, the Dr. William Masters character tries to stop a damaging profile of himself by a black newspaper by telling the editor a falsehood, that the initial results of his survey of negro sexuality … Continue reading

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Blogging vs Vlogging

I’ve hardly made any videos the past two years (after having made thousands over the previous five years). I just have not felt strong enough. With my writing, it was easy to share at a remove, but video just felt … Continue reading

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