Monthly Archives: July 2014

White Guys Most Responsive To Reporter

NPR’s Education Team tweets: “I reach out to diverse sources on deadline. Only the white guys get back to me :(” In my experience, whites are the most timely and responsive of any racial groups I know. They are more … Continue reading

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Jewish Flash Boys

I’m reading the new Michael Lewis book, Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt. It seems that Russian Jews are behind much of the innovative high frequency trading. This shocked me. I thought such work would be the province of Africans … Continue reading

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Should We Require People To Have A License Before They Procreate?

Richard Lynn writes in his book Eugenics: The first of the recent proposals for licenses for parenthood was made in 1980 by the American political scientist Hugh LaFollette (1980). He began by contending that some parents are unfit to rear … Continue reading

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Does Alexander Technique Promote Secure Attachment?

Here are the traits of mindfulness: “Acting with awareness, being nonjudgmental, having emotional equilibrium (“nonreactivity”), labeling and describing with words the internal world, and self-observation… Mindfulness meditation promotes our nine middle prefrontal functions: bodily regulation, attunement, emotional balance, fear modulation, … Continue reading

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Why Race Matters: Race Differences and What They Mean by Michael Levin

The New York Times reported in 1991: A Federal judge has ruled that City College of New York may not punish a professor for writing that “on average, blacks are significantly less intelligent than whites.” The professor, Dr. Michael Levin, … Continue reading

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